Patterns of Bayview
Bayview Foundation is an affordable housing neighborhood in the heart of Madison. Their residents represent 12 different nationalities, constituting one of the most culturally diverse neighborhoods in this city. Over…
Bayview Foundation is an affordable housing neighborhood in the heart of Madison. Their residents represent 12 different nationalities, constituting one of the most culturally diverse neighborhoods in this city. Over…
Today is my third anniversary since I quit my corporate job to throw myself into my art career. It's been more than a year since my business turned its first…
I had the honor of presenting at TEDx Madison at the end of 2016. My talk is officially online, and I'm excited to finally be able to share it. The talk…
It's been a really good summer, in many ways. Full of laughter and play. Weekend trips. Camping. Outdoor excursions and inside jokes. Crackling fires. Summer pies. At the same time,…
My mother once told me the story of a cartoon she saw in a newspaper some years ago, which explained God. In the cartoon, God is a faceless, featureless oval on a table. People come…
I'm a lover of paradox, for those who didn't know, especially the man-made ones. In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, you need a parking permit to keep your car on the street at night.…
I recently wrote an article called “The Myth of the Starving Artist—and what it can teach us about job security.” In it, I discuss how society’s attitude towards art parallels…
"What do you do?" This is the number one small talk question we ask people, on par with discussing the weather. It's a question we either don't care about at…
August 29th was the one-year anniversary of me leaving my corporate job. I left to pursue my artwork. On a deeper level, I left to make myself better and more…