Maybe the most magical thing about outdoor works of art is how they not only change their environments, but also transform with the seasons.
Though the Midwest got hit with the polar vortex and unrelenting blizzards this winter, none of it seemed to stop people from savoring what time they could outside. People have been sending photos of Rest and Rejuvenation with fresh snowfall to me, and I love how even in the still quiet of every snowfall someone was outside going for a walk, taking it all in. Maybe it’s a little weird to be sharing these photos on the Spring Equinox, but at least for me, it creates a sense of anticipation, knowing this mural site is going to transform again.

Since looking on a phone can’t compare to seeing artwork in person, during the last heavy snowfall, I bundled up and went for a walk to see the mural myself.

The mural seems to embody its ideal all the more during the winter–that periods of dormancy are necessary for times of rejuvenation.
The mural, so far, has seen the autumn and winter, and now will experience its first spring. Happy Spring Equinox!! If you live in or happen to visit Madison, keep sharing your photos! I’d love to see what you see.